How To Use FreeScribe

FreeScribe Installation Guide

Follow these step-by-step instructions to install FreeScribe on your computer:

Step 1: License Agreement

  1. Launch the FreeScribe Setup installer.

  2. Read through the license agreement carefully:

    • The software is released under the AGPL-3.0 license.

    • It includes contributions from the ClinicianFOCUS initiative and team members.

  3. Click “I Agree” to accept the terms and proceed.

Step 2: Select Installation Architecture

  1. Choose your preferred installation architecture:

    • CPU (Recommended for most users): Runs on any standard computer processor.

    • NVIDIA: Select this option if you have an NVIDIA GPU for enhanced performance.

  2. Once selected, click “Next”.

Step 3: Choose Installation Location

  1. The installer will suggest a default location to install FreeScribe:

    • Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeScribe

  2. To change the destination folder, click “Browse” and select a new directory.

  3. Verify the required disk space and click “Install” to begin the installation.

Step 4: Installation Progress

  1. The installation will proceed, and you will see a progress bar indicating the status.

  2. If prompted with any messages (e.g., configuration file conflicts), resolve them:

    • Click “Yes” to remove old configuration files to avoid conflicts with new versions. Recommended to prevent conflicts.

    • Click “Yes” to remove old installation versions. Recommended to prevent conflicts.

Step 5: Complete Installation

  1. Once the installation is complete, select additional options:

    • Run FreeScribe after installation (checked by default).

    • Create Desktop Shortcut for easy access.

    • Add to Start Menu for quick navigation.

  2. Click “Close” to exit the installer.

Final Notes

  • After installation, FreeScribe will launch automatically (if selected).

  • You can now access the application via the Desktop Shortcut or Start Menu.

You are all set to use FreeScribe! If you encounter any issues during installation, refer to the community or documentation for troubleshooting.

Inside The Application

Getting Started

To start using FreeScribe:

  1. Launch FreeScribe from the Desktop Shortcut or Start Menu.

  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your preferences.

Workflow Example

  1. Start Transcription: Click on the “Start recording” button to begin capturing audio.

  2. Generate Notes: Once the session is complete, click on “Stop Recording” and the note will begin to automatically generate.

  3. Export: It automatically saves the note to your clipboard to be pasted anywhere. It also can be copied by clicking the copy text button.

Additional Help

For further details, visit the discord for support Join our Discord Community (